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  1. Library Resource
    Guide pour l’amélioration de la gouvernance des régimes fonciers pastoraux au le Niger
    Training Resources & Tools
    December, 2019

    Ce guide constitue un outil à destination des acteurs de terrain au Niger. Il vise à contribuer à l'amélioration de la gouvernance foncière pastorale et en particulier à la prévention et à la résolution des conflits et au développement de processus de concertation inclusifs.

    Le guide est unique car il est élaboré en collaboration avec un pour les éleveurs au Niger. Il sera un outil concret pour aider les acteurs à résoudre les conflits liés à l'accès aux ressources naturelles au niveau local.

  2. Library Resource
    دليل لتحسين حوكمة النظم العقارية الرعوية في موريتانيا
    Training Resources & Tools
    October, 2021

    هذا الدليل التوضيحي المبين بالصور هو ثمرة مسار تشاركي شامل لتعزيز قدرات اللجان الجهوية للانتجاع التي ضمت أكثر من تسعين مشاركا (منمون ورعاة وإدارات مركزية ومجالس جهوية وهيئات فنية جهوية ولامركزية تابعة لمختلف القطاعات الوزارية الأساسية ومنظمات غير حكومية على مستوى الولايات الرعوية)


  3. Library Resource
    Guide pour l’amélioration de la gouvernance des régimes fonciers pastoraux en Mauritanie
    Training Resources & Tools
    October, 2021

    Ce guide en image est le fruit d’un processus participatif et inclusif de Renforcement des capacités des Comités régionaux de transhumance qui ont réuni plus de 90 participants (pasteurs/éleveurs, administration territoriales, conseils régionaux, structures techniques décentralisées des différents départements ministériels clefs, les organisations de la société civile, ainsi que les représentants de projets et les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) au niveau des Willayas pastorales).

  4. Library Resource
    Training Resources & Tools
    January, 2009
    Africa, Uganda, Cameroon, Senegal, Latin America and the Caribbean, Argentina, Asia, Philippines, Eastern Europe

    The Land Matrix is an independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability around large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in low- and middle-income countries across the world. By capturing data on its website, the initiative aims to stimulate debate on the trends and impacts of LSLAs, facilitate wide participation in collecting and sharing data about these deals, and contribute to the growing movement towards open data.

  5. Library Resource
    Training Resources & Tools
    August, 2017
    Sierra Leone

    We, leaders of groups of women affected by the expansion of industrial monoculture plantations, particularly oil palm plantations, coming from all regions in Sierra Leone and different countries from West and Central Africa;

    We, national and international organizations involved in the struggle for the rights of women and local communities in Africa, Latin America and Asia, signatories of this declaration, met from 14 to 15 August 2017 in Port Loko, Sierra Leone.

  6. Library Resource
    Training Resources & Tools
    January, 2014
    Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya, Madagascar, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, South Africa, Ghana

    Land is a vital resource that sustains livelihoods across Sub-Saharan Africa, but also one that is heavily prone to corruption. Every second citizen in Africa has been affected by land corruption in recent years, according to a study by Transparency International.

  7. Library Resource
    Training Resources & Tools
    December, 2002
    Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon, Africa, Middle Africa, Western Africa

    The Kuri cattle breed is found on the shores and islands of Lake Chad. Its main habitat is in southern Chad and north-eastern Nigeria but the breed is also found in northern Cameroon, in Niger and, to a limited extent, in the Central African Republic. The Kuri are also known as the Baharie, Bare, Borrie, Boudouma, Dongolé, Koubouri, Buduma or White Lake Chad. The importance of the Kuri lies not only in its unique physical characteristics but also in its meat and milk production potentials. The breed is so acclimatised to the environs of Lake Chad that it is unable to survive elsewhere.

  8. Library Resource
    Training Resources & Tools
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    November, 2009
    Ghana, Africa

    Main pharmaceutical policy goals in Ghana are access to essential medicines for everybody, quality assurance for all drugs on the market, a functioning and efficient supply chain as well as rational use of medicines by professionals and patients. There is also a commitment to strengthen the domestic pharmaceutical industry, outlined under health industry in the national health policy.

  9. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    Training Resources & Tools
    December, 2011
    Sierra Leone, Africa

    Sierra Leone’s devastating 11-year civil war destroyed much of its infrastructure, and left its economy in tatters. In 2004, two years after the end of the war, Sierra Leone asked the investment climate (IC) advisory services of the World Bank Group to help create a better business and investment climate that will lay a foundation for the country’s future economic growth.

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